

[note: my internet writing style is different. it will be all lower caps except for a few key places. and you will figure those out very quickly]

the title stems from a spiritualized song off of the 1997 album ladies and gentlemen, we are floating in space. but the title isn't important as much as why i chose it.

after my confirmation as a disciple of CHRIST in the united methodist CHURCH, i had some very naïve ideas about the body of CHRIST. i always thought that if you declare yourself to be a follower of CHRIST, you are part of the CHURCH. but my first experience at a roman catholic mass changed that. i realized that there were divisions and they hurt because you don't experience the fullness of CHRIST if you couldn't receive the body and blood merely because of a confession of faith. since that time, i wanted more than anything to have all believers to come together in ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH [μίαν, αγίαν, καθολικην και αποστολικην εκκλησίαω or unam, sanctam, catholicam et apostolicam ecclesiam].

now how do we do that?

it's a tough question to answer and i'm definitely not going to answer it (unless GOD wills me to). but from what i read, the union has to be the kind of union that takes place during the sacrament of marriage (which by the way is one of the sacraments that properly called that by the apostle paul and was blessed by CHRIST at cana). it has to be willing by both parties. it has to be preserve the TRUTH and be true to what it believed over the years. it has to be honest and focused on GOD instead of presenting an image of unity. in other words, this is to be done in a matter similar to joining man and wife, not how you join nations together.

will it happen? it's uncertain to say. talks have been going on. the sees of rome and constantinople are discussing and trying to work out their differences. at least they are doing things together. this is probably where the first major and significant step towards unity will take place. once the roman catholic and the eastern orthodox followers join together, the majority of christianity will be based on traditional and apostolic teachings. the protestant sect will either join in (meaning giving up their reformed theology) or simply perish.

however it's to be done, it should be delicately and with great care. although the first union i mentioned seems plausible, there are some dangers that come with it. this is why the issues really need to be worked out and amongst the episcopate. in the mean time, the laity can take their own steps to embrace others with the love of CHRIST from working together to solve problems and using each other to realize more fully the TRUTH. of course, i'm not speaking for the CHURCH (whichever you can consider) but i always point to prayer and divine guidance (and if intercessory prayer is your thing, call on the 318 fathers of the first ecumenical council or the first council of nicea in AD 325).

in the mean time... come together... :)
